Rediscovering ancient spiritual paths in creation that lead to wholeness in spirit, soul, and body.

Ancient Paths offers a tailored, inclusive, and accessible experience for individuals and groups of all ages looking to take intentional steps toward spirit, soul, body wholeness. The experience includes two months of pre-work, with each month including a face to face (or zoom, during the current crisis) meeting with your cohort of participants. It culminates in a 48-72 hour wilderness experience, unplugged from civilization and free to listen to what God has for you through creation, text, and all that you’ve been learning.

Heard God's Voice

A full on encounter with Christ

Sat on the holy mountain and listened to that still small voice
2022 Ancient Paths Trips
We are currently in the guide training season for Ancient Paths. As we dream and pray over the 2021 summer season please join us in prayer for another safe and transforming summer of trips in the mountains of Washington.
New trips will be announced at the beginning of 2022.
Connect with Christ and engage with your story through the text of creation and the practice of spiritual disciplines on a fully-guided Ancient Paths Experience. Review one of our generic experiences or an age or gender-specific trip as you begin to explore attending an Ancient Paths trip in 2021.
Meet a few of our Ancient Paths guides

For All Ages/Genders
Steps to Wholeness
The core theme of spirit soul body wholeness is pursued through engagement with spiritual disciplines, consideration of how we’re shaped by our stories, and a time in the wilderness intentionally seeking revelation from God through creation, text, and our own souls.

Women's Trip
Steps to Wholeness
Journey alongside other women as you explore your story, as you engage with spiritual disciplines, and as you move toward spirit, soul, body wholeness on this unique experience.

Recent Post Grad Trip
First Things
Use this unique season of transition to become grounded: growing deep in truest identity, discovering the ways your life to this point has shaped you, and shaping your lifelong relationship with your body and creation.

Men Over 50
Falling Upwards
One author says we spend the first half of our lives building our container, and the remaining time is best used filling the container with meaning. Using that template, this group will focus the spirit soul body steps toward unique second half challenges and opportunities.