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Toward Wholeness Blog

Writer's pictureRichard Dahlstrom

Spilling Hope Water Wednesdays: Bottled Water vs Tap

I carry my metal water bottle with me everywhere, and the conference center at which I’m staying is offering Nestle’s bottled water in the rooms!  $1 per bottle if you drink them.  This is the height of consumerism, the depth of environmental degradation, and cuts to the heart of a fundamental shift in the view that water is a to be free for everyone.  “The earth is the Lord’s” is what the Psalmist said, but when we take ownership, we sometimes mess it up.

If you’re involved in the spilling hope initiative at Bethany Community Church, I encourage you to educate yourself about the implications of bottled water, not just as an environmental issue, but as a justice issue.  I’m tapped.

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