Practical Advice for Maximizing Your University Experience
Dousing the flames of hypocrisy: The Big Value of Small Ideas
Advice to Pastors and Other Christians: leave people alone – sort of.
Lessons from Daniel and Esther: Know Your King or Miss Your Point
Rearranging the Chairs…a response to Rachel Held Evans
Pentecost…empowered for what?
Skinny Church – the wrong fast for a hungry world
Messiah complex and conventional wisdom: a marriage made in hell
Weekend: Lessons from backyard and bible
Why now? Why hope? Why colors? Why art?
In secret: the value of humility and anonymity
And if the world ends on May 21?
Thanks Dietrich…words for the ages
Easter: making all things new
Like snow melting…give it time
Overcoming Inferiority: A word to pastors, but applicable to all
Thawing my heart in the heat of Africa….
Climbing Kilimanjaro step by step – Lessons for America from Africa