Dear Green Lake: Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year
Steps to Peace, Jesus Style (part 2)
Pursuing Peace – to what end?
Achilles Heal: Lessons for life and leadership learned from a tendon
This one weird trick will change your life: Slow Down
The Most Important Thing You can do for your Transformation
Embodiment Part One: Getting out of our heads and off of our phones.
When Everything’s Collapsing? The Ancient Paths
When Life produces Too Much Life: The Value of Quitting
Skinny Church – the wrong fast for a hungry world
Weekend: Lessons from backyard and bible
Quiet…an endangered species
Insanity antidote: simplicity
Thanks Dietrich…words for the ages
An example of “coffee with God”
Crazy Confidence in a Shaky World
How to pray when it’s all “too much”
First Resolution: five options for five minutes of prayer
Christmas Vacation: filling hospitality with joy instead of tension
…”simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ”