True Colors: The Necessity of Loss and Change in our Lives
40 – thoughts on marriage after 40 years of it
Seasons of Life and Lessons in Staying and Letting Go
How Naming Your Values can Change Your Life
Time heals nothing
Your “Sphere of Influence” is calling and You must go
Let the Journey Begin – An invitation to travel to the Alps with me
Are you running to Win?
Steal, Kill, and Destroy – Killing Hope
The Subtle Seduction of Letting Ourselves be Bent
Fear of Falling vs Freedom to Fail: Choose Wisely
Marriage: 37 Lessons from 37 Years of Experience
Playlists – Memorial Stones for the 21st Century
“Adventures in Saying Yes” was the best read of the summer because…
Beating Fear with Seven Words for Seven Summits
Seeing and Gratitude: Fuel for the Desert Journey
Into the fog of discipleship…step by step
“Not Burdensome”…. musings on the ease of obedience and self-denial
20 Years Our Home… and a time for everything
Finding Hope in the midst of Setbacks