Lessons I’m learning in 2016. #1 – Sleep and Rest

The Art of Work: Timely Truth for Today

Inside Out: In Praise of the Gift of Sadness

Why “fear of death tomorrow” prevents “joy of life today”

Walter Mitty and the Art of Waking Up

Faith, Sight, and Cairnes on trails: Examining the “historical” Jesus in the bestseller
Brownie Points: Colorful considerations of race, class, and community

Messiah complex and conventional wisdom: a marriage made in hell

California, meet Rwanda – and learn about justice, reconciliation, and prisons

Why now? Why hope? Why colors? Why art?

Weekend links: Bin Laden de-brief and book news

Thanks Dietrich…words for the ages

The King’s Speech on D-day eve: A reference point for departure

Fantasy: A Door That’s Closing—And Why We Should Keep It Open

How to pray when it’s all “too much”

The best way to move: “Stay Put”
“If your right hand causes you to stumble…” 127 Hours of Redemption

Reading matters: What’s on your list?


Fastballs and Faith: The Cords That Tied Our Family Together