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Richard Dahlstrom
Oct 4, 20104 min read
Hitting the wall and breaking through it
There was the barrier of the Red Sea, which gave birth to fear. There was the barrier of hunger and thirst, which gave birth to whining....
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Richard Dahlstrom
Sep 15, 20102 min read
Change for a five?
Sometimes we’re thinking too big. Yes, there are major moments in life when we find ourselves in the arena, in the midst of a crisis...
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Richard Dahlstrom
Aug 18, 20103 min read
The gift of rhythm
1. The rhythm of the seasons. The days are palpably shorter. Pre-season football has started, and the blueberries are ripe on the lower...
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Richard Dahlstrom
Aug 11, 20102 min read
Looking for “more” or “less”?
The hard place: The most popular article in the NY Times this morning questions the premise that we’ll be happy if we buy more stuff....
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Richard Dahlstrom
Jun 24, 20102 min read
Memorable Meals… and the others
And then there were the rest of the meals since the last memorable one. Some of them were taken alone, some on the run, some as a family...
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Richard Dahlstrom
Jun 17, 20103 min read
The Liberating Power of One
I pick up the other book I’m reading called “Practicing the Presence of God” by a 17th century French monk named “Brother Lawrence”. ...
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Richard Dahlstrom
May 28, 20103 min read
B-L-E-S-S: one way to do a rule of life
the bell tolls for a good way I have a friend who runs a camp outside of Toronto. It’s one of the largest camps in North...
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Richard Dahlstrom
May 21, 20103 min read
“Perhaps” – the paralysis of fear, and power of risk
It’s terrible irony that the very thing they fear, ends up happening, precisely because they’re afraid of it happening. “Fear” it turns...
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Richard Dahlstrom
May 19, 20102 min read
A cup of cold water…or cola?
The marketing strategies of coke, globally, were actually tied to Christian mission work because, as Asa declared, “we can be sure that...
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Richard Dahlstrom
May 10, 20101 min read
Of Goalies and Sermons: the mystery and challenge of presence…
This weekend was filled with events that have left me pondering that “being fully present” is actually a lot harder than it appears. I’ve...
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Richard Dahlstrom
May 1, 20103 min read
The Shalom of Creation
The Shalom of Creation Yesterday my wife and I drove up the Mt. Baker highway to its very end. She wearing snow shoes, and I backcountry...
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Richard Dahlstrom
Apr 23, 20102 min read
Good Sabbath…
Good the forest I pack the car early this morning, coughing after a fitful night’s sleep as the virus creates a dripping in...
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Richard Dahlstrom
Apr 13, 20103 min read
Slow Church: Community, Continuity and Interdependency
we're all marching to our own drummers There’s a delightful little passage that I came across yesterday morning during my coffee with...
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Richard Dahlstrom
Mar 15, 20102 min read
Start here…
All of this, though, is predicated on us becoming increasingly secure in our identity, “in Christ.” You can’t live “newness” wearing the...
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Richard Dahlstrom
Feb 21, 20101 min read
Rule of Life: Sustaining your faith for the distance
I’ll open this category with two things: 1. Resource – for a quick overview of what a rule of life is, and it’s significance, I’ll refer...
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Richard Dahlstrom
Jan 22, 20103 min read
Our Prayers: Thermometer of our world view…
I recently read a survey that indicated 90% of American men self identify as being “above average fitness” compared to their peers. When...
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Richard Dahlstrom
Jan 9, 20103 min read
The Roman Road: More than you thought?
“Roman Road”. In essence, this declaration of the good news find in Christ was, to use a cooking term, a ‘reduction’. The idea was to...
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