Seasons of Life and Lessons in Staying and Letting Go
Time heals nothing
“…the time we’ve been given” – The Why and How of a Personal Mission Statement
Facebook, Nazis, and Fake News – History shows our ongoing need for Discernment
The Disco Ball of Success, and What to do when You’re Blinded by it
Let the Journey Begin – An invitation to travel to the Alps with me
38 thoughts on Marriage after 38 years.
Fire: Getting it and Keeping it
OE or OE? Choosing the Right Letters for Life
Inside Out: In Praise of the Gift of Sadness
“Godspell” – Musings on the power of Art in God’s World
20 Years Our Home… and a time for everything
Ambition or Temptation? How to tell the difference
Last Journey’s the Best
Strength and Beauty are Vital – and Vital to Redefine
“A different plan” – Three Postures you need when Change Comes Knocking
95th minute… 50th year… 26th mile. Why Endurance Matters
From Germany to Seattle – finding hope in the midst of grief
Postcard from Fresno…
If soil could talk… life lessons from the history of a lake