If you give a moose a muffin – and other kinds of repentance
Wrong Words lead to Wrong Actions: Environmentalism and John 3:16
Naked and Not Ashamed: Steps in our pursuit of intimacy
A better story…on what to do with the rest of your life, and saying yes
The world is wide…and cold: Advice to dads from one who loves being one
Pentecost…empowered for what?
Brownie Points: Colorful considerations of race, class, and community
Skinny Church – the wrong fast for a hungry world
Glory, tragedy, and lessons…from the final minute.
Don’t find your passion—find your lover
Messiah complex and conventional wisdom: a marriage made in hell
The rest of the story—and a way to share it
California, meet Rwanda – and learn about justice, reconciliation, and prisons
Science Camp…has just begun
Permission to enjoy life: Granted
Weekend: Lessons from backyard and bible
Quiet…an endangered species
Why now? Why hope? Why colors? Why art?
Weekend links: Bin Laden de-brief and book news
Slow down, breathe deep, pay attention