Hope has primary colors…
In secret: the value of humility and anonymity
And if the world ends on May 21?
Insanity antidote: simplicity
Thanks Dietrich…words for the ages
The King’s Speech on D-day eve: A reference point for departure
An example of “coffee with God”
Easter: making all things new
Appropriation: What it means, how it works, why it matters:
Golden Calves come in many forms – What are today’s idols?
Like snow melting…give it time
Crazy Confidence in a Shaky World
Shaking…And What We’ve Failed to Learn
Real Freedom Found in Abstinence
Why Rest Matters
Dust by God—The Matter of the Body (Part 2)
Fantasy: A Door That’s Closing—And Why We Should Keep It Open
Dust by God – the matter of the body – Part 1
Two reasons to believe the Bible is inspired