Reconciling 4Gs: God, Grace, Goodness, Genocide
How to pray when it’s all “too much”
The best way to move: “Stay Put”
“If your right hand causes you to stumble…” 127 Hours of Redemption
Sexual Anarchy & Sexual Freedom
Overcoming Inferiority: A word to pastors, but applicable to all
Thawing my heart in the heat of Africa….
Climbing Kilimanjaro step by step – Lessons for America from Africa
bandwidth problems
Timing? Never our alone
Reading matters: What’s on your list?
First Resolution: five options for five minutes of prayer
Good News…Great Joy…All People
Christmas Vacation: filling hospitality with joy instead of tension
Truth Sandwich: The bun matters
3 Snapshots reveal: “The Value of Showing Up”
What to do with your extra Tunics
Holy Wholeness…a great vision for the life of faith
“Occupied” – a key to joy filled living